CCPPP Publications

The Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnerships advances the understanding of public-private partnering by conducting research on related issues focused in Canada. Members of CCPPP receive a limited number of copies free, and additional copies of new publications at reduced rates, depending on the membership level. You may order documents using the shopping cart and we will follow up to arrange for payment.

National Award Case Studies

The National Award Case Studies are published annually and feature detailed write-ups on the projects, including quick facts, procurement process, structure of the agreement, financial arrangements, risk allocation, benefits, communications, labour, monitoring, testimonials and partner contacts. They are an excellent resource for those looking to emulate best practices from Canada's P3 leaders.

Case Studies

Case studies from the schools and hospital sectors are provided with best practices for Canadian PPP projects.

Guidance & Analysis

These publications provide guidance and best practices in particular P3 issues.


The Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnerships conducted a comprehensive survey of Canadian attitudes to the use of PPP in a variety of sectors. These publications summarize the results with selected demographic groups and provinces.

Recent Publications

Picture of the productNew Product for Testing

Regular price: 125.00
Discounted member price: 115.00

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